The Thirteenth Dimension
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The Dark Side of the Thirteenth Dimension


This is me, wearing my favorite tuxedo, sitting in the VIP section of the restaurant located in the top of the Statue of Liberty.


My name is Richard, and that's mostly what I go by these days. But people who knew me when I was growing up still call me Richie, which is OK. I created Richie Millennium, and put him in this place, and called it The Thirteenth Dimension. But all of that probably goes without saying.

I know that you're just dying to know more about me; you're only human, after all. Where do I start? I contain mass, and am reasonably symmetrical. My favorite color is Unclear, and my favorite page is 490. When I was a child I thought as a child, and spoke as a child, and had a treehouse as a child. But now that I am grown, I have penmanship as a child, and watch cartoons as a child, and laugh as a child. I am single, though I might could someday be convinced to subscribe to a local daily newspaper. I listen to music, I watch TV, and I drive a truck, but not always in that order. I have a stationary bike that I ride every day, and a stationary ironing board that I use every other year. And contrary to popular belief, I do wear pants. I have photos. And I've managed to compile a list of interesting facts about myself called Things You May Not Have Known About Me (Probably Because None Of It's True). But there's no good reason you should go look at it.

The one thing that I do take seriously is Christianity. I believe that every individual should at least consider the basic tenets of Christianity at some point. I'm sorry to say that many people never get an opportunity to hear a straightforward and accurate presentation of the Gospel, and because of that they don't realize what it means to have peace with God. It really is worth the effort. You're spending time in the Thirteenth Dimension right now, so I know you've got a few free minutes.